Apicultura Agroecologica
In the far north of Misiones province, at the tri-border region between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, rampant deforestation and the agro-industrial model are indiscriminately destroying native ecosystems and the environmental identity of Argentina's most biodiverse territory: the Misiones rainforest. Guided by Anahí, the protagonist of the Guaraní legend The Ceibo Flower, we uncover the resilience of her people and the tireless efforts of scientists, park rangers, farmers, veterinarians, environmentalists, and Guaraní communities, all dedicated to protecting the remaining 4% of the rainforest.

Anahí lives with her community deep in the rainforest, near the Paraná River basin. She invites us to discover the beauty of her community and the wonders of the Misiones rainforest. The harmony of their home is shattered with the arrival of settlers, who eventually enslave the community and burn Anahí at the stake. The fictionalization of the legend intertwines with testimonies from environmentalists and scientists active in the region. Gradually, we come to understand how today's environmental challenges are rooted in a legacy inherited from colonialism and the Industrial Revolution.
The parallel with an ancient popular story creates the narrative arc through which various current environmental issues are presented. As the film progresses, the portrayal of these challenges intensifies.The climax occurs after the burning, when Anahí resists from the ashes, transformed into the Ceibo Flower. In parallel, a revolutionary vision emerges—one determined to inspire a shift in perception, priorities, and habits, advocating for life and environmental consciousness in future generations.

The Ceibo flower will serve as the aesthetic element connecting all the characters in the story. It has the unique ability to transform into a bird, a traditional craft popular among the region's peoples that, due to its fleeting nature, has gradually faded over time. Its inclusion as a visual motif is also intended to evoke tenderness, empathy, and curiosity in the audience, ensuring their engagement with the narrative.

Behind every legend of Indigenous peoples lies a story of coexistence with the environment and resistance against territorial colonization. This worldview helps us envision new ways of understanding ourselves as a community and our relationship with the Earth.
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